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The Fastest Way to Slice an Apple, at Home, in the Truck, or on a Orchard Walkabout

Monday snow boots, today muddy boots and an Apple Food Art Butterfly. With a high of 61° and rain expected, the buds are starting to swell and green tip (1st visible green when a bud starts to separate) is just around the corner.

When Charles Hurd was visiting family in Georgia this past winter, his 2nd cousin and artist, Clayton Pond, casually asked, “what’s the best way to slice an apple?” Charles demonstrated with a kitchen knife and cutting board.

Typically Charles uses his pocket knife that is always clipped in his pocket. More often than not he is slicing while scouting the orchard. Although, this method is really for eating. When you are checking to see if apples are ready to pick you want to see seeds, more on that later.

To peel or not to peel? The apple variety may affect this decision. For example, Cameos, Golden Delicious and Galas have thinner skin which is enjoyable in fresh eating. Apples with thick skin, no pun intended, are Rome’s, Snap Dragons, and Granny Smith. The latter varieties are delicious baked, but many people prefer to peel them before eating raw. If your kids are like the kids in our family, they want every apple peeled or they will eat slices like a tiny piece of watermelon. If you are choosing to peel, try the apple skin challenge. Start at the top and circle your knife around carefully to see if you can get the whole peel off in one piece.

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, it would probably be easiest to follow our step by step photos.

View your apple from the top. Cut the right side off. Cut the left side off. Cut the front off. Cut the back off.

You can stop there or round out your square core a bit by cutting off its corners. Eat and enjoy! We use this method when making apple pie because we are slicing and coring at the same time. Cut each of your slices in halves or thirds and they are ready for cinnamon, sugar, flour and the pie dish.

Featured in photo is 7th generation farmer, Cortlyn. We would love to see your apple art. Post your photos on our farm facebook page.

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