How Does Spring Frost Affect Fall Apple Picking?
Here is a list of criteria that affect the outcome of a spring frost.

When Do We Start Picking Apples?
The heat and humidity does not slow down our hard working MG Hurd employees, but a bit of rain may. We start picking apples late July or...

U-Pick Apple T-Shirts
Finally a nice bit of rain for the corn, cucumbers and baby apples. Have some fun indoors! Get ready to come pick apples by making your...

Apple Eggplant White Bean Pasta
The warm rainy weather continues to refill our ponds. Look no further for your next dinner idea. This apple pasta recipe is quick and...

Eye Spy NY Apple Farm Road Trip
Yesterday's rainy weather made today a beautiful sunny summer day with a high in the low 80s. We have an idea for how to keep kids...

Save $ & Time Pre-Order Online
Happy 4th of July! Hope you are enjoying the beautiful warm weather. A great day for a boat ride, swim or family picnic with cool drinks....

A Visit to the Hurds Apple Packing Line
Ever cross your mind how on earth an apple makes it's way from our trees in the orchard to your grocery store?

Allergy Friendly Apple Muffins with NY Maple Syrup
We modified our traditional apple muffins to be vegan and gluten free to meet the needs of our kids with food allergies.

How the Hurds Team Enjoys their Apples
It's a drizzly day in the 60's with smells of Spring, like those beautiful purple liliac bushes. We love apples at Hurds! Most of us eat...

And on Our Farm there were some BEEs
Another BEEutiful sunny day with a high of 65° and the sound of bzzz, bzzz, bzzz. Each bloom we bring in honey bee colonies to help...